Specialist Manufacturers
of Commercial & Residential Glazing SystemsSpecialist Manufacturers
of Commercial & Residential Glazing SystemsSmoke Control Damper
Product Details: Application Smoke
In the event of detection, the Smoke Control Dampers activate on the affected floor in conjunction with the top of shaft and top of stair AOVs to provide a flow of smoke exhaust to atmosphere. All dampers on the remaining floors will remain closed and must be locked out to reduce smoke leakage and the risk of the fire spreading to additional floors.
A fully tested EN 12101-8 smoke Smoke Control Damper is available in 0.5, 0.6,1.0 & 1.5m2 applications and can be powder coated to provide a practical and aesthetic solution.
- 1.5mm Galvanised steel construction
- Motor open, motor closed, or spring return operation
- Smooth parallel blade operation
- Low leakage rate
- High Free area design
- Optional Decorative Fascia grilles