Specialist Manufacturers
of Commercial & Residential Glazing SystemsSpecialist Manufacturers
of Commercial & Residential Glazing SystemsEN12101-2 Windows
Product Details:
Application Smoke
Product Descriptions
Most leading façade systems now possess EN12101-2 : 2003 compliant AOV solutions within their product range. This negates the need to glaze in proprietary smoke vents from third parties thus maintaining the overall performance of the façade via the façade contractor and reducing demarcation, delivery, cost and interface issues that may pursue.
A single bottom hung solution is possible however the additional opening angle and distance required can create additional CDM risk (fall from height, product restriction and exposure to high winds when open).

Bottom Hung Double Stack Smoke Vent
A full height or double stacked side hung SHEV compliant to EN12101-2 is required to provide a combined area of 0.9sq/m aerodynamic for corridor smoke extract and 1.0sq/m aerodynamic for firefighting lobby smoke extract. For simplified integration, performance adherence and demarcation responsibility it is far easier to integrate a SHEV from the same system as your façade system.
Combined AOV & Access Door
Where access is required to a flat roof from the corridor, a combined AOV and Access Door is utilised. Compliant to EN12101-2 the door can operate freely on a concealed closer for day-to-day access and the actuator will engage to automate the door open in a fire condition. A locked solution for increased security is also possible via the addition of maglocks.